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A Brave New World

Transitioning and preparing for ‘what next’ - how good companies excel at this and what it means for their employer brand. Through Covid-19 we have experienced one of the most transformative periods of work in our lives. Never before, unless during a war, has the country been so oppressed resulting in businesses having to re-evaluate how they do business, start to conduct business in a more virtual way and as a result having to re-shape and right-size their organisations for what's next.

Who would have thought last year that within 4 months home working would become the norm? Who would have thought that international travel, tourism and our Hospitality and Leisure sectors would be shutdown and unable to trade? Who would have considered that going on holiday with our families, going on a business trip, hosting a dinner or seeing friends out would pretty much cease overnight? The answer is none of us, and this makes the impact of the consequences of this change all the more difficult to manage and handle. If this pandemic has shown business owners nothing else, it is the need to have a responsible approach to how they manage the transition of those employees out of their businesses as they prepare the future. Care, responsibility and respect are all shown to team members as a matter of course; why then, should firms not see that helping those employees transition out of their employ, can have positive effects. It not only shows a high degree of corporate responsibility but also shows that they are employers of real quality. When the tide changes and times get better this will have a positive impact on the recruitment and retention of new and existing talent within their organisations.

At BarrettClark & Duncannon Executive Search, we offer several levels of Career Transition based around positive psychology and helping individuals build on what they have already achieved to enable them to achieve better in pastures new. We help former employees appreciate the strengths that they already possess, coach them into understanding that their transition can be turned into a positive life-enhancing experience and allow them to appreciate that it is within their own grasp to accept change and use it for the better in whatever they do next. The benefits are obvious to both sides – the company is acting as a responsible corporate citizen ensuring that their ex-employees are well treated – the leaver is also given the tools to allow them to be prepared for the next exciting step in their own careers. A mixture of good science and deep experience, coupled with a highly professional and caring team, can make this transitional step to be both manageable and positive.



Call us : +44 (0) 20 7284 5932, +44 (0) 7971 165522

Green Park House, 15 Stratton Street

Mayfair, London,

United Kingdom



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